Camping at Pharoh Lake
You will need a backpack, sleeping bag and a tent. All these items can rented at EMS in Stuyvesant Plaza. The Club has 2 backpacks that can be borrowed on a first come first serve basis (just email [email protected] if you want to borrow one of them). Wear either good sneakers or hiking boots if you have them and you will want to bring warm clothes and a hat for the evening (it gets pretty cold and people usually end up sleeping with a hat on - you will be glad you brought it). I recommend bringing a pair of flipflops for walking around the campsite... you probably wont want to put your sneakers on everytime you need to get up, go to the bathroom, etc. You will really only need warm clothes to sleep in and something to change into for the hike back so try to pack sparingly as you will be carrying everything on your back! Food will be provided for you at the start of the trip and we will try to split it up evenly so that everyone carries a little of it into the campsite. If you have any questions feel free to email me!
- I forgot to mention earlier that you will also want a mess kit of some kind (something to eat with like a plastic or aluminum plate, fork and cup) I am sure that they sell these at EMS, but you could probably find pretty cheap ones at Walmart if you were just going to use it for this one time or for a couple of trips.
Hiking Cascade and Porter
You will want to bring a day pack (or just a backpack of some kind) so you can carry food and whatever else you want to bring. Food will be provided at the start of the hike but make sure you bring a water bottle for the day. I would reccommend wearing layers so noone gets too hot or too cold. It may get hot hiking but it is often pretty cold at the top so it would be nice to have a long sleeve shirt or jacket (even a hat - depending on how cold it is out). Hiking shoes or sneakers are fine as long as they are comfortable and easy to hike in. Any other questions feel free to email me!